Should something like this come to fruition, here's a breakdown of the potential costs
- 40,000-seat Ballpark - $280 million
- 288 800-1200 s.f. apartments/condos (blue buildings, 2nd-4th floors) - $60 million
- 48 900 s.f. apartments/condos overlooking ballpark (red buildings) - $10 million
- 130,000 s.f. retail/restaurant space (blue and pink buildings, 1st floor) - $30 million
- 1,400 parking spaces in three garages (purple structures) - $20 million
- Streetscape and landscape improvements - $15 million
- Transit plaza construction - $2 million
- Construction of pedestrian bridges over drainage channels - $3 million
- Acquisition of neighboring properties required to complete project - $25 million
- Contingency for delays and cost overruns (soft costs) - $45 million
- Site preparation - $10-20 million