
04 November 2006

MLB to Vegas is dead, says Goodman

Not much has been heard from the Vegas camp for several months. In SI writer Ian Thomsen's Inside the NBA column, flamboyant mayor Oscar Goodman talks about Sin City's prospects for a pro sports franchise, namely a NBA team such as the Kings. While commissioner David Stern's stance on not allowing a team in Vegas until the city's casinos take NBA games off the books hasn't changed, Goodman will keep trying, starting with selling the experience of the sure-hit 2007 All Star Weekend.

What about baseball? I'll let the following blurb speak for itself (quotes attributed to Goodman):
On Major League Baseball, which two years ago appeared to be the frontrunner to move a team to Las Vegas:

"It died. I spoke to (baseball commissioner Bud) Selig because the Marlins had come out to see me and I wanted to pursue that. They called me and they said that Selig didn't want them talking to me. I called (the commissioner's office) up and verified that, and I wasn't about to make an enemy. I've had (NFL commissioner Paul) Tagliabue that I've had to contend with, so I didn't want to make an enemy out of Selig too.''

So much for the Vegas conspiracy. Oooh, here's one: Selig was really saying that in not allowing the Marlins to talk to Goodman, he's reserving the A's to pursue Vegas. R-i-i-i-ght.