Above: Google Earth skyline view behind home plate. Below: View from southeast, HP Pavilion in background

Download links:
- Model for use in Google Earth (requires either Google Earth application or plugin)
- Google Sketchup working file (requires Google Sketchup)
Now for some notes on the model:
- Depending on whether or not you have the Terrain feature selected in Google Earth, the stadium and field may appear to be raised above street level. This is intentional, as the field is meant to be sunken and if it were the terrain would obscure it.
There are no concourses, suites, scoreboards, or visual effects in the model. This was done mostly to get it out the door. Eventually all of that stuff will be added.Update: Added concourses, batter's eye.- I am working on a site-nonspecific model that could be planted in the Coliseum and elsewhere.
- Press box is above and behind the upper deck.
- The building to the left of dead center is a restaurant/club. Presumably a scoreboard would be affixed on top.
- The LF and CF walls are 9 feet high, RF is 21 feet high. Dimensions are 325' down the LF line, 322' down the RF line, 408' to center, 373' and 368' to the left and right power alleys.
- It may look like the ballpark has four decks, but it does not. It has two decks that are each split.
- Outlines for the bullpens are in left and left-center. Yes, the bleachers are elevated several feet above the pens. Several hundred seats are situated between the bullpens as well.
- The red area is the PG&E substation.
- I'm 99.9% certain of scale and size thanks to Sketchup. Previously, the mockups were drawn on Freehand/Illustrator and I had to use blown up aerial photos and parcel maps to line everything up properly.